Friday, May 17, 2013

Haven't had pussy since pussy had me

Now a bit about me............I'm a 28 year old married male, been married since Sept of 2012 and have a 7 month old little girl. My problems started way back before the pregnancy. When my wife and I first got together, it was new and exciting, sex sex sex sex. On the couch, hanging from the ceiling, you name it. She was all too excited for it and she did things then that I now know where to "land" me, because once she became comfortable in the relationship, once she knew that I had strong feelings that I wouldn't just quickly walk away from, these things stopped. Not only did the really awesome selfless acts stop, the frequency went from a 10 to a 1 very quickly for any acts of physical intimacy. I've encountered this before, it's obviously a woman tactic that your moms or friends instill in you as a woman to "hook" a man.

Now on to my complaint, because that's what this post really is. After we had been together for quite some while, the L word was being said constantly, the sex stopped. Like any other reasonable person I approached her, asked what the deal was, ( I internalized it) why weren't we having sex, what was I doing wrong, how could I help, what could I do different, did I need to workout more, etc. First of all, this is WRONG. It was not my fault and still isn't but it's easy to blame yourself. Her response after we were married was "I'm just not that interested in sex", well this is a problem..............because I am, alot. All different kinds, toys, roleplay, etc. And while this is a dead horse now, in the beginning of our relationship she was all into it. I was duped. So after multiple attempts at communicating my need and want to her for an intimate realtionship, I did what any other man would do, I turned to porn to handle business myself while still staying in the confines of faithfulness. Well once she caught me watching porn once or twice, she became offended that I was using other women to get my rocks off. I of course proposed to her that if she'd make a small video for me, maybe some risque pictures, I would use those instead. Needless to say this didn't really go over well and didn't happen. So to this point I still have not stepped out of the relationship to buy my wares in another store front, BUT the thought has crossed my mind, alot lately. I work at a children's hospital and I deal with a slew of 24 year old nurses day in and day out, some of which are quite "friendly". The opportunity is and has been there but I have been a good boy so far. I've gone so far as to tell my wife that I've thought about cheating on her, at that threat she will amp up her efforts, and they are efforts, to appease me for a week or so. And by a week or so, I mean sex once a week. But then she figures she took care of the problem and goes right back to ignoring my needs. I don't expect her to swing from the ceiling fan on a nightly basis, but seeing as I have all but threatened to leave her over this as I refuse to be in a sexless marriage for the rest of my life, I would settle for an "old fashioned", oral, really anything at this point would be an improvement. The poor gal doesn't even masturbate, never felt the need to, doesn't own any sex toys and refuses to have them, even if I offer to buy them over the internet as to avoid the storefront sex store. To give you a bit of prospective, there was a point in our relationship, pre pregnancy, where we went for 3 months without having sex, any type of sex, or intimate contact in the least. I've addressed my concern and need at this point to her somewhere in the ballpark of 9 times. She always says she'll work on it (which is a good sign) but nothing ever changes. The last time I had to talk to her about it I informed her that I can't take much more and I'm about to ask her if I can have something on the side, purely physical. I love my wife, I really do, but I don't like her for ignoring something that is SO important to me. I need that physical contact to feel wanted, probably not healthy but that's just how I'm wired. The way I view it, take 15 minutes out of your day twice a week to move your hand up and down in a repetitive motion and all will be solved. You don't have to be "in the mood" to do that. If you can't take 30 minutes out of your week to make me happy in that aspect, then what's the point in saving anything?

I encourage any of you who stumble upon this to leave a comment or your own experiences


  1. Totally feel your situation. I regret getting married.

  2. It happens at some point of time infact I feel the same way some times but ofcourse I try to make my wife feel special and after few instances she fall in for me. I think you should make your wife feel special at times. It will help. It is not good to ask things to do when some one doesn't want to. Things come naturally from once within. Good luck

  3. I feel for you man. I'd feel like I'd been lied to... You should tell her that. People shouldn't change completely after marriage. Tell her she needs to show you she cares about you... And tell her you do and ask her what she needs. Things won't change on its own.. Keep trying

  4. Here I am reading this I feel your pain .......I refuse to keep going threw this I'm leaving this bitch

  5. Never ends well when you let the government get involved in your relationships. Only one who wins are the lawyers and courts

  6. Omg I feel your pain. I'm 42 yrs old. Nice career, kids, good home. Never cheated. I can even get a kiss good night.

    In my profession, I work with under privileged people. Felons, troubled youth, homeless veterans, etc. Which requires me to travel. In and out of state. Dude, I been propositioned on many occasions by young interns and hot moms wishing to "thank me" for keeping their kid out of trouble.

    The temptation is there. But I won't do it. I too turned to porn and received the same ridicule. What gives? If I cheat, then I'm a dog. If I leave then I'm a no good chauvinistic pig Who left a good woman over something as trivial as sex. Its bullshit man and I feel your pain brother!
